Test/Debug Mode
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    Test/Debug Mode

      Article summary

      The Test/Debug Mode is designed to help you troubleshoot your audiences. Using this tool, you can identify filter nodes that don't return results. And therefore, your audiences also return no results.

      • After hitting the "Test" button, your canvas turns blue, and the Audience Evaluation screen appears.
      • To start your test/debug run, click "Start".

      • The system analyses each node and returns the impact of each node to the final result.
      • You can see all the details in the Audience Evaluation Section.
      • The section headers show the number of final records matching the criteria (for example, Contact: 3)
      • Within a section, you see the initial number of records and then how this number changed based on other evaluated nodes. (for example, 8 contacts were initially matching, but after assessing the Account node tree, only 3 contacts remained).
      • Then you have three options:
        1. Restart: Run the test/debug mode again.
        2. View Results: Enter the audience result list of your test/debug run.
        3. Edit Audience: Return to the audience canvas to adjust your audience.
      Limited Debug Data
      As the Test/Debug Mode is built to help you analyze your audience, it doesn't run on the entire database. It's limited to 5.000 records to guarantee optimized performance and to prevent evaluating millions of records, depending on your audience filter. 

      Aggregated nodes aren't evaluated in the Test Mode, as aggregate queries are more liekly to hit limits. Therefore, we've excluded them in that mode to ensure performance.