Assign Permission Sets
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    Assign Permission Sets

      Article summary


      Campaign Audience Builder comes with 3 permission sets.

      1. Campaign Audience Builder User: This permission set enables users to work with CAB. Assign it to every end user that should work with the tool.
      2. Campaign Audience Builder Admin: This permission set allows you to manage CAB settings.
      3. Campaign Audience Builder: Export Audience Results: Exporting data often is a critical task. You must explicitly assign this permission set to let users export audiences into CSV files.

      Setup Steps

      I will show you how to assign permission sets to your users. Just follow along:

      1. Go To Setup > Users > Permissions Sets > Campaign Audience Builder User.

      2. Click Manage Assignments > Add Assignments

      3. Select the user(s) you want to use the solution by checking the checkbox and clicking Next.

      4. Finish the assignment by clicking Assign.

      Simple as that! The users can then access the app using the Salesforce App Launcher.